每天供应16个小时点心 这家粤菜馆值得你一试
主演:每天供应16个小时点心 这家粤菜馆值得你一试
简介: 三家分店地址: 曼哈顿下城店(新店开张!) 59 2nd Ave., New York, NY 10003 Phone:646-476-8846 时代广场店 334 West 46th Street New York (Between 8th & 9th) Phone : 1-646-861-1910 曼哈顿中城店 47 West 55th Street New York, NY (Between 5th And 6th) Phone: 646-609-3966三家分店地址: 曼哈顿下城店(新店开张!) 59 2nd Ave., New York, NY 10003 Phone:646-476-8846 时代广场店 334 West 46th Street New York (Between 8th & 9th) Phone : 1-646-861-1910 曼哈顿中城店 47 West 55th Street New York, NY (Between 5th And 6th) Phone: 646-609-3966